Geneva Programming Documentation
© Dan Wilga of
Gribnif Software   Copyright © 1997, Gribnif Software.
All Rights Reserved.
Why am I here?
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away John
Whalley and I exchanged e-mails. He was having doubts about putting up on
his site the Magic German
programming documentation so it could be translated into english. I told him
I thought it was a great idea, and to push on. With encouragement from others
also, he did so, and the Magic docs were translated from german to english.
That got me thinking. English writing programmers could now write programs for
Magic, but German writing programmers had no such aid if they wanted to
write programs for that other great multitasking system, Geneva.
Let it be known that I am not ignoring MiNT by any means! But it seems to have
no problem with english/german documentation
I have been using Geneva almost since
its inception, and find it to be a most stable and easily configurable multitasking
system. I thought that if the documentation was available in german, then German
programmers may like to write, or adapt already written programs, to run under
I discussed this with Dan Wilga, the U.S.programmer of Geneva
among other great programs. see
Gribnif Software. and he agreed to having this programming documentation
put on the web so that those multi-talented, wonderful people who are capable
of translating from English to German and vice-versa would have an opportunity
to exercise their gifts, and help out the worldwide Atari community at
the same time!!
So here it is folks, the
English to German Geneva
programming documentation Project!
Perhaps someone actually living in Geneva
could help! :-)
Have something translated? Mail me!
Table of Contents
- Proramming with Geneva
- Detecting Geneva
- Detecting Multitasking mode
- New Features
- Object Trees
- New Object Types
- New ob_state Attributes
- Round buttons
- Keyboard equivalents
- Changes to Existing Functions
- appl_search()
- New Modes
- appl_write()
- evnt_multi(), evnt_messag()
- form_alert()
- form_dial()
- form_error()
- graf_mouse()
- graf_slidebox()
- rsrc_load()
- shel_write()
- wind_get(), wind_set()
- New Data Types
- New Functions
- ay_return=appl_yield(void)
- xaf_return=x+appl_flags(int getset,
int index, APPFLAGS *flags)
- xpf_return = x_appl_font( int getset,
int zero, XFONTINFO *info )
- xas_return = x_appl_sleep( int id, int
sleep )
- xat_return = x_appl_term( int apid,
int retrn, int set_me )
- xfc_return = x_form_center( OBJECT *tree,
int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch )
- xfe_return = x_form_error( char *fmt,
int errnum )
- xff_return = x_form_filename( OBJECT
*tree, int obj, int to_from, char *string )
- xfm_return = x_form_mouse( OBJECT *tree,
int mouse_x, int mouse_y, int clicks, int *edit_obj, int *next_obj,
int *edit_idx )
- xfs_return = x_fsel_input( char *inpath,
int pathlen, char *files, int sels, int *exbutton, char *label )
- xgb_return = x_graf_blit( GRECT *source,
GRECT *dest )
- xgr_return = x_graf_rubberbox(GRECT
*area, GRECT *outer, int minwidth, int minheight, int maxwidth, int
maxheight, int snap, int lag )
- xoe_return = x_objc_edit( OBJECT *tree,
int edit_obj, int key_press, int shift_state, int *edit_idx, int mode
- xwd_return = x_wdial_draw( int handle,
int start, int depth )
- xwc_return = x_wdial_change( int handle,
int object, int newstate )
- xwcr_return = x_wind_create( int kind,
int xkind, int wx, int wy, int ww, int wh )
- xwca_return = x_wind_calc( int type,
int kind, int xkind, int inx, int iny, int inw, int inh, int *outx,
int *outy, int *outw, int *outh )
- xwt_return = x_wind_tree( int mode,
WIND_TREE *wtree )
- Mode 0, X_WT_GETCNT (get count
& flags)
- Mode 1, X_WT_READ (Read the current
tree into the program's memory)
- Mode 2, X_WT_SET (Set count,
flags, and tree address)
- xs_return = x_settings„¤int getset,
int length, SETTINGS *user )
- "getset" mode:
- xsg_return = x_shel_get( int mode,
int length, char *buf )
- xsp_return = x_shel_put( int mode,
char *buf )
- void x_sprintf( char *buf, char *fmt,
... )
- void x_sscanf( char *buf, char *fmt,
... )
- xhe_return = x_help( char *topic, char
*helpfile, int sensitive )
- Miscellaneous Programming Information
Geneva documentation from Programming
Make Help file
Geneva file
Programming documentation from Geneva file
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