DiSTributor No. $Cdn Description
Atari SOLD 0 100$ STacy 4MB ram, power cord, no hard drive STacy Profile Report
AtariSOLD 0 75$ 16 MHz TT w/ power cord, manual TT Profile2 report
AtariSOLD 0 35$ MegaST4 w/ manual, power cord MegaST4 Profile2 report
Atari SOLD 0 35$ MegaST4 w/ manual, power cord MegaST4 Profile2 report
Atari 1 10$ 520ST w/ PS, manual (Help key broken)
Atari 1 15$ 2.5MB ram 1040ST w/ power cord, manual
Atari SOLD 0 10$ MegaFile 20 ext. hard drive w/ power cord
Supra SOLD 0 10$ 20MB external hard drive w/ ACSI cable, power cord
Atari SOLD 1 10$ SF314 floppy disk drive w/ cable, P/S
Atari 1 5$ SF354 floppy disk drive w/ cable, P/S
Microtek 1 60$ ScanMaker E6 High resolution single-pass 30-bit color SCSI scanner w/ SCSI2 to Centronics 50-pin cable, and power cord
Atari 1 10$ External HD 3½" Floppy drive
Atari 1 15$ Compact Disc CD-ROM Reader Model NEC CDR-25BJ
Atari 1 2$ TV-RGB convertor
Atari 2 3$ JoySTick extender
Atari SOLD 0 15$ Mega/TT keyboard
Atari 4 SOLD 0 20$ SC1224 colour monitor
Atari 2 SOLD 1 20$ SM124 mono monitor
Atari 4 SOLD 2 10$ Mouse
DATAswitch 1 5$ Dataswitch A-B
EPYX SOLD 0 5$ 500XJ JoySTick
WICO 1 5$ BOSS JoySTick
WICO SOLD 0 5$ JoySTick
CompetitionPro 1 5$ JoySTick
Atari 1 5$ JoySTick
Atari 1 2$ JoySTick/Mouse extension (one to two)
SUNCOM 1 5$ JoySTick
GadgetsBySmall 2 20$ Spectre GCR w/ floppy cable, disks, manual, MACintosh system
ICD 1 SOLD 0 5$ ICD ACSI hard drive cable
Radio Shack 1 2$ Power supply for Modem2 (5v)
STandard 1 0.50$ mono earphone
STandard 1 3$ parallel cable (centronics male-25 pin male)
STandard 1 1$ RCA video cable
STandard 1 1$ telephone extension (male-male)
STandard 4 5$ Serial cable
STar  1 30$ NX-10 printer w/ ribbons, printer STand, power cord, parallel cable
unknown1SOLD 0 15$ Monitor MaSTer
USR 1 5$ 28 800 external modem

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